“WHAT ABOUT SOCIALIZATION??” is the first and biggest concern most people seem to have about homeschooling. I have several thoughts on this. First off, homeschooling is as varied as there are people. The unsocialized homeschool kids stereotype can happen and there’s no denying that … but the same can happen to public school kids. Being in public school does not automatically make someone social. In fact, I believe it is often the opposite because of the social pressure kids feel. That said, homeschooling socially is easier now than it ever has been.
Homeschooling has gained popularity and that has resulted in more and more co-ops and social groups for homeschooled kids. When looking for a co-op, keep in mind that they vary greatly in what they offer and how they are run. Some involve parents teaching or assisting in some way, some are more pay and drop off for classes. Some are well-established and have graduated kids out, and others are very casual and resemble more of a playdate at a park but for all ages. Some are religious and others are not. Some are paid and others are not. If you aren’t finding something you like, consider starting one in your area!
Besides co-ops, there are extra-curricular classes like sports, music, drama, art, STEM classes, hiking or nature groups, fishing clubs, horseback riding, chess clubs and so much more!
My biggest tip for finding social activities is to start by posting the question in local homeschool Facebook groups. I would always do this when I knew we were heading to a new place and always found something to plug the kids into. Even if you are very familiar with your area, there may be groups you are unaware of or brand new groups starting!
Don’t let fear of anti-social kids keep you from the benefits and blessings of homeschooling. You can have as much or as little socializing as you want.
You Got This!